Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Friedman’s Economic Holocaust

Chicago-style Capitalism
free-market corporation exploitation
not compatible with democracy
one or the other must give way
more recently it’s democracy

giving way to unfettered
laissez faire gangster-capitalism

in the wake of Friedman’s
shock & awe global ideology

was reduced to unprecedented
alcoholism, drug addiction, AIDs, suicide
violent crime, Mafia style brutality
and extreme poverty
bordering on starvation

after a few years of free-market
Capitalism had killed off 10%
of Russia's population - equivalent
to an economic genocide

there was immense wealth of course
for chosen few elite
the oligarchs
they bought national treasures
for a song

anyone can trace Milton Friedman
mass murderer
too polite a term
for the planned misery
he gloatingly describes
as an ‘economic miracle’

in 21st century Russia
multitudes of poor
live in a 19th century world
no electricity
no personal belongings
their goods all sold off
in back lanes
to feed themselves


not only a destroyer
of indigenous cultures
but destroyer of modern culture
it’s institutions
painstakingly built
over generations
for hundreds of years
become genuine culture

Capitalism bulldozes your heritage
your buildings, your child’s future
your sense of culture and place

if Friedman’s doctrine
doesn’t get you by military coup
as in
you’ll be done over by war
Iraq & Lebanon

reduced to a blank slate
from a successful
functioning secular society
once called 'the Paris of the Middle East'
but oh tut, tut. tut
can't have a state of affairs like that can we
Arabs with sophisticated cities
Israel's permitted that
along with nuclear warheads

Iraq’s sovereign infrastructure
cultural institutions
reduced to rubble
to make way
for Milton's free-marketeers
Halliburton, Blackwater's
corporate cowboys
Chicago’s School of Economics

Friedman’s 40 year crusade
for unfettered unregulated
global enslavement
his failed Capitalist ideology
has reaped an economic holocaust
in country after country
around the world

though dead now
Friedman’s still coming for you
your country, your institutions
your parks, your gardens
your peaceful society
your precious water
will be privatised
because he deems it

if you let it happen
he’ll have your world
turned upside down
your social welfare
will be
shredded to the bone
he'll sell off your Town Halls
your National Bank
your airlines
your transport
your Post Offices
developers will get
the cream of the crop
for peanuts

Milton Friedman will
have you cowering before the altar
of 'profit before people'

it’s up to you
inform yourself
inform your politicians

what you want
what you don’t want
it’s your society
it’s your child's future -
it IS up to you.

Pamela Sidney 2008


for the people of New Orleans

thriving on a stark opportunism
drawn fresh from the tattered handbooks
of their grubby
over-used Machiavellian bibles

the vultures fly in
(not to help the homeless, the aged, the ill & the dying)
but, to 'buy up big'

cold-blooded moguls
infected with a paranoia
a fear of ‘creeping socialism’
their worst enemy

the credo?

never give the people anything free
frowned on by Friedman - not allowed -
he calls it 'evil' socialism

so the parasites invade
(while all is still in chaos)
obeying Friedman’s doctrine to the letter
they are of course “The Chicago Boys”
from the University of Chicago
School of Economics

here seize all public assets
everything material there is to take
the highest prize ?


in just one nanosecond
all that most could call their own

the urgency ?



the mania ?


the newly arrived low-life
arriving in the wake
of Hurricane Katrina
give orders

paper-shuffling lawyers
grab titles, mortgages, public land
much loved homes & schools disappear
bulldozers flatten everything public
everything owned by citizens
of New Orleans

earned by them over generations
paid for
their with hard earned taxes
in one nanosecond

why this feverish activity ?

(while most New Orleans
are still too shocked to comprehend)

in this business
'speed is the essence' my friend
'shock & awe' capitalism demands
you move in quick make your 'killing'
before all reverts to how it was before

in just one nanosecond
citizens are swept aside
the landscape's scoured barren
condominiums for the wealthy
rise in the sky
new schools built
scrupulously privatised
(with vouchers for 'the poor' of course)

from these people
their city, their services, their utilities
all that's left of hard-won publically owned
infrastructure bulldozed
humble citizens become bereft
society altered forever

the invaders & their feat ?

by corporate cowboys
Capitalism's 'finest hour'

remorselessly ignoring
poor people's lives
they make rubble of human memory
less than human beings
will never understand
the meaning
human dignity

Pamela Sidney 2008

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